30 Acres Undeveloped Land

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This parcel is located in the town of Elfrida in Cochise County, Arizona. The property is undeveloped and is ready for multi-family housing or residential use.

The property has Hwy 191 frontage. The town of Elfrida is an unincorporated small town with K through High School grades, local gas service, small convenience store, Dollar Store, hardware/lumber store, feed and clothing store, health care services with doctor in attendance, fire and ambulance services with helipad, and several different churches. The larger local towns in the area offering all other services are a short drive away.

Size: ~ 30 acres
  • Utilities to property line:
    • Electric
    • Water
    • Natural gas
Price: $ 25,000.00
APN #s: 40325010A
GIS Map: https://arcg.is/0iWiKf