RMT Farm

Note: Adjust Google map below to suit yourself, including zoom, position, and map vs. satellite view, before printing.

This is a nice farm with mild temperatures in southeast Arizona. It has largely laid idle since 2012 and only a small portion of the farm was farmed during that time. It has a gentle slope from the west side to the east side, though is mostly flat. It was farmed in years past using cement ditches and row-type methods to grow vegetables and cotton. Except for the pivot ground, last farmed in 2016, the remainder was last farmed in 2002/2003.

Total acreage of ~2,295 is split as follows:

Major soil types are Type 1 and Type 2. The farm has good air and water drainage throughout.

Property taxes 2018 were $11,000.

Arizona State Land Lease is $6,000 to $7,000 depending on the year.

Location: ~ 4 miles north of the town of Bowie, AZ on Central Avenue
Size: ~ 2,295 acres
Elevation: ~3,591 ft to ~3,640 ft

I-10 east from Tucson ~110 miles to Bowie, AZ. North on Central ~4 miles, see GIS maps for individual parcel locations.

  • 18 irrigation wells scattered throughout the property ranging from large and deep to smaller and shallower
  • 3 center pivots driven by electric motors
  • small feed lot on east side used in past for feeding cattle
  • 3-phase electrical
  • Natural gas
Price: $ 1,700,000
APN #s: 301-04-010, 301-04-053, 301-04-0545, 301-06-005, 301-07-003, 301-09-001B, 301-09-002, 301-41-008, 301-41-14A, 301-41-038, 301-41-050, 301-41-097A, 301-41-099A, 301-41-128A, 301-41-148A, 301-41-154A, 301-41-160A, 301-41-166A, 301-41-172A, 301-41-178A, 301-41-182A, 301-41-197, 301-41-205A, 301-41-211A, 301-41-217, 301-41-231
Note: https://www.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html will allow you to easily look up Cochise County APN#s to see the parcel map.